
Are Wheat Chapatis The Best For Diabetes? What Are Some Reliable Alternatives?

May 23, 2022

About 70 million people suffer from diabetes in India and the rates are increasing alarmingly. But, thankfully by making lifestyle changes, eating healthy, and moving your body, you can beat this diabetic threat.

Are whole wheat chapatis healthy?

Whole wheat chapatis and phulkas are the staple food for diabetic patients. Wait! Is it really the best? The glycemic index of whole wheat is as low as 30 when the kernel is intact. However, during milling, the glycemic index rises up to 70, which is bad for diabetic people. Wheat chapatis are healthy only when the outer fiber is intact with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. The wheat that we use in our homes is adulterated with refined flour that leads to several health ailments. Refined flour causes obesity, high cholesterol levels, clogged arteries, and dullness of skin. Here are some healthier options to switch your daily whole wheat chapatis with some lesser-known superfoods. Inculcating healthy organic foods help you eliminate toxic substances, they are easy to digest and keep you energized all the long.

Foxtail Millet Flour: Having a special diet, including organic foxtail millets flour helps type 2 diabetic people combat high blood glucose levels, high cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. Foxtail millets have a dietary fiber content of 6.7%, 11% protein content, and are much lower in fat. Unlike other grains, foxtail millets release glucose steadily that does not spikes up blood sugar levels.

Barnyard Millet Flour:The slow digestibility, low glycemic index, and high fiber content make barnyard millet a diabetic friendly choice. Upgrade your chapatis with organic barnyard millet flour. Including unpolished organic barnyard millet flour will retard the fasting plasma glucose levels in both diabetic and non-diabetic people.

Replace your wheat flour with these healthy alternatives to reduce and prevent diabetes.