
What is Dr Khadar Vali’ healthy diet plan?



Dr Khadar Vali is a renowned independent scientist and millets expert. He says that, if humans take proper and complete food, drink herbal decoctions and do moderate exercise like walking, there is very less scope for them to be disease prone. When we start taking proper well-balanced diet, any illness will start receding within few weeks and will cure completely within a time frame of 6 months to 2 years, how much ever stubborn or harrowing the disease could be.
 When the food itself is not proper and incomplete, no medicine would work. If the food is well-balanced, we don’t need any medicine at all. And we won’t need any, in future too. People suffering from even stubborn and debilitating diseases, can regain their health by using millets and decoctions from nature and our countryside. 
Millets, herbal decoctions, walking along with alternative medicine (homeopathy and Ayurveda) are the stepping stones for a Complete, well-balanced and healthy life. These are healthy for everybody, and also help to preserve our environment.